In 1980 Henry Moore donated a public sculpture, Working Model of Draped Reclining Figure, to Castleford. This prompted an exhibition of children’s work called Henry Moore and the Children of Castleford to highlight the inspirational effect the sculpture had on Castleford’s young people.
Contemporary artist Des Hughes traced the story of Moore’s gift through press clippings, posters and correspondence found in The Hepworth Wakefield Archive. Hughes integrated these documents alongside his own work in specially designed cabinets, appropriating a style found in the modernist home of Erno Goldfinger. Hughes’ complete series of ‘flints’ was also displayed for the first time, deceptive bronzes made to look like stones, gently mocking Moore and Hepworth’s doctrine of ‘truth to materials’.
The exhibition included Hughes’ working models for a pair of new reclining figures, to be placed at Castleford Academy and outside The Hepworth Wakefield respectively, and featured work made by school children in response to these new public sculptures.
The project is supported by the Des Hughes Exhibition Circle, Cathy Wills and New Art Centre, Roche Court.